What is astigmatism?

Chances are your optometrist has told you that you have astigmatism? Maybe it’s a family member in question, or you’re experiencing astigmatism symptoms, like blurry vision when you look at objects that are both near and far.

If this blurriness while reading describes you, you’re not alone. Astigmatism is a very common condition. You’ve probably heard the term many times. But what exactly is it?

How do you get astigmatism?

Simply put, astigmatism is a condition derived from a cornea or lens that’s stretched into an irregular shape.
For clearer explanation, your eye is shaped more like a football rather than a soccer ball.

Instead of being shaped round, the corneas of people with astigmatism are often oblong. This causes a refractive error, distorting light as it enters your eyes. As a result, images appear blurry.

Kids with astigmatism and adults may have difficulty reading text or seeing fine details in objects both near and far.

Whether your astigmatism is mild—or not so mild—it will require some form of optical correction for clear vision. Thankfully, most forms of regular astigmatism blurriness are easily correctable, and Core Optique is here to help.

How to detect astigmatism

Are you having trouble seeing near and far objects clearly? What about frequent headaches? Visit Core Optique’s highly trained optometrist’s.

A comprehensive bulk billed eye examination, our optometrists can assess whether you or a family member has the disorder and what steps should be taken to correct the problem.

If you’re experiencing any visual blurriness in your eyes, schedule an appointment and talk about your options.

Treatment for astigmatism

Don’t be alarmed, as we’ve said, most forms of astigmatism are easy to treat. You have several corrective choices. Some of these include:

Keep in mind, when it comes to vision correction for astigmatism, all choices aren’t equal. If you’re over 40, you may need multifocal or bifocal lenses, which also are able to be correct with the use of multifocal contact lenses.

Speak with your optometrist about which choice is best for you and your lifestyle.

Contact lenses for astigmatism

Toric contact lenses are usually prescribed for eye care patients with astigmatism.

These contact lenses for astigmatism have a thicker zone at the bottom to keep them from rotating while in the eye. This helps orient the lenses consistently and predictably for better visual acuity. It also helps simplify fitting and your time at your optometrist.

So if you hear your optometrist mention the word “toric,” you’ll now know what it means in the world of contacts.

Correcting astigmatism can be as simple as meeting with Core Optique’s highly trained optometrists and following through on your recommended options. Don’t be shy in voicing your lens preference for your type of contacts (e.g., daily, extended wear, etc.). At Core Optique, we are here to listen and make sure you are getting the best out of your vision!

Book your bulk billed eye examination in our Paddington, NSW Boutique Practice today!

Visit: www.coreoptique.com/booking or by phoning our friendly team on 02 8593 7156