Things to Know About Transition Contact Lenses

Sometimes glasses just aren’t an option. Do you play a lot of sport or frequently exercise outdoors? Do you hate squinting or blinding glary days? Whether you are swimming, heading outside after spending some time indoors or going for a run, it can be a hassle to adjust to changing light conditions. While sunglasses are typically an option to protect your eyes from bright light and UV rays, they are not your only option.

What are Transition Contact Lenses?

Core Optique’s range of Acuvue Transition contact lenses quickly and seamlessly adapt to balance the amount of indoor and outdoor light entering the eye, including filtering blue light and blocking harmful UV rays. This contact lens is built with Transition Light Intelligent Technology to help reduce the stressful impact that light can have on your eyes, reducing haloes and starbursts at night, while providing clear vision.

How does it look on my eye? Does it get dark?

The lenses become darker when activated by UV and/or HEV light. They were specifically designed to provide patient benefits while minimizing the change to the appearance of the eye. While outdoors, the level of activation is always changing in response to the light, so in most situations the lens isn’t in the darkest state. These lenses also fade back to clear quickly when you come inside.


Is this lens offering a sunglasses replacement? Can you use them with sunglasses?

No, transition contact lenses are not intended to be used as a replacement for sunglasses. However, they can be worn with non-prescription sunglasses. While these lenses do provide UV protection to the areas they cover, other parts of the eye and surrounding areas are still exposed to UV light. Sunglasses help to protect the entire eye.

How long does it take to transition?

When you step into bright light, the contact lenses immediately begin to transition, it takes less than 60 seconds for the lens to fully transition. The gradual transition occurs generally without you noticing.

How do I get my Transition Contract Lens Prescription?

Our optometrists love helping our patients into contacts. Start by scheduling your appointment with us here. If it is your first contact lens fitting, it generally takes a little longer than a regular eye exam. Be sure to let us know that you want to try contacts when booking.

Luke Davidson